There are 5 boxes with lids: 2 rectangular, 1 triangular, and one small and one big hexagonal, all containing wooden triangles of different shapes, sizes and varnished in different colours. Each triangle - except for the ones in rectangular box n. 2 - have one or more sides with black guidelines. This allows the child to check on errors by itself when putting the triangles together to construct complex geometrical figures. All wooden parts are UNI EN 71-3 finished.
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From the age of 4 years the working with this material the child will learn that all plane geometrical figures can be constructed from triangles. It allows to evaluate the length of the sides and the angles by simply putting more elements one on top of the other. This material is also very useful in primary school, in particular when dyslexic children first start to study geometry. Through working with the constructive triangles the child learns how to classify the triangles into equilateral, isosceles and scalene or rectangle, acute angle and obtuse angle.
Product Details
- Height
- 5,5
- Width
- 27,5
- Depth
- 16,5
- Weight
- 3,8
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From the age of 24 months the colour tablets give the child a visual education and refines the ability to distinguish different colours. Like other Montessori materials for very small children, this material helps to develop concentration, will, intelligence and sharpens the observation of the environment. Moreover, it develops the esthetical and artistic...
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